
Tuesday 27 October 2009

Ir RMH Gembong Danudiningrat

He is sympathetic, smiling gentlemen of 43 years of age. Despite his tight program, he always looked fresh and healthy, not showing any sign of fatigue.

In his cozy house in Yogyakarta, he lives happily with his charming friendly wife and 3 children.

Pak (Father) or Mas (Brother) Gembong that's what he is usually called, was born in Solo is the 4th child of 8 children family of Mr. Saparto Danudiningrat, a grand child of the late Sri Pakubuwono IX, the King of Surakarta.

Since high school, his father sent "the naughty" young Gembong to study in Yogya. He graduated as an Agricultural Engineer. He was a lecturer of Academy of Industry and at present he has business activities in Real Estate.

A Born Psychic

The six year old Gembong, he had already ability to cure sick people. He got it without learning - it is a divine gift. Seeing this fact, his wise father sent him to learn art of self-defense. He was trained also to self-denial, as fasting from time to time, sleeping only a few hours, good conduct and praying a lot to God Almighty. Since his teenage, he visited many places with supernatural power in Java and Bali, such as rivers, seas, springs, mountains etc. where he did meditation.

According to Pak Gembong, meditating outside the house such on top of mountains, in the open air is the best way to develop faster inner power and natural senses. The clean air environment should give abundant energy. His long years of spiritual exercises, with God's blessing, has given automatic image of what's happening and at once he could find the answer.


Mr. G. Danudiningrat with his fantastic ability is currently Vice Chairman of International Association of Parapsychology, with the head quarters in Nantes - France and at the same time advisor to the Foundation of Indonesian Paranormal Brotherhood (LIPPI).

He gives regular spiritual consultation in the Buana Minggu Weekly in Jakarta, specially in the fields of : Health, Business, Family Problem and Human Relations.

His office in Yogyakarta is at Jalan (Street) Sugeng Jeroni no 22 A (South West part of the City).

His personal motto is : "A True Happiness is if you could serve God , help and give something to others".

(Suryo S. Negoro)

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